Scottsdale Workers’ Compensation Lawyer with Experience
Very few law firms in Arizona are experienced in representing employers who failed to obtain workers’ compensation insurance and are now facing the loss of significant business and personal assets due to a pending workers’ compensation claim. Our experience helping thousands of injured workers and dealing with the industrial Commission of Arizona’s Special Fund gives our Scottsdale Employer Clients the upper hand when defending their claims. With the financial stakes so high, it is wise to choose a law firm with extensive knowledge of workers’ compensation law. We will use our extensive knowledge of state workers’ compensation laws and our Firm’s standing in Arizona’s legal community to work toward a resolution that is beneficial for our Clients at minimum expense.
How Palmer Law Offices Can Help You!
Our Scottsdale legal team will investigate the claim of the employee while determining if the employer is in fact uninsured. In some cases, we are able to discover insurance, while in others, we can help the employer establish new insurance. The costs associated with these complex legal issues can single handedly destroy a business. Many of the clients our Firm represents are small businesses and sole proprietors in contracting and manufacturing professions. Palmer Law Offices will assist the uninsured employer in building a defense through the most cost-effective means. Numerous defenses can be raised on behalf of the employer but only an experienced workers’ compensation attorney defending uninsured employers will have the knowledge to recognize each defense. The costs associated with these complex legal issues can single handedly destroy a business. Our attorneys have had success getting penalties significantly reduced or even rescinded completely. We have saved our employer clients tens of thousands of dollars in workers’ compensation penalties and expenses. We specialize in finding solutions in the face of seemingly impossible odds.
Choosing the Right Workers’ Compensation Attorney
An uninsured employer who is facing the workers’ compensation Special Fund is in a difficult position that requires experienced and creative solutions. No matter your legal status, documented or undocumented, the insurance defense legal team of Palmer Law Offices is here for you. Our workers’ compensation legal team are bilingual and speak both English and Spanish. Attorney Adam Palmer is Board Certified in Workers’ Compensation by the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization. Less than five percent of all active members of the Arizona State Bar Association are Board Certified. Whether a worker in your employ was injured on the job or the state has discovered that you are not adequately insured, you may suffer significant consequences. It does make a difference who you choose as your attorney through the workers’ compensation claims process. Choose an attorney with decades of experience representing employers before the Industrial Comission of Arizona.
When to Contact a Workers’ Compensation Attorney
In order to minimize financial exposure, uninsured employers should consult with an attorney immediately upon learning of a claim against them. Employers who violate the Arizona Workers’ Compensation Act by failing to have workers’ compensation insurance can face fines and/or imprisonment. Under A.R.S. §23-932, failing to maintain workers’ compensation insurance is a Class 6 felony. In addition to criminal liability, an uninsured employer may be assessed a civil penalty of $1,000.00 for failure to obtain workers’ compensation insurance, whether or not an employee files a workers’ compensation claim. The penalties increase with each additional offense. Since the State must pay the claims for uninsured employers through the Special Fund, the Fund will seek reimbursement from the uninsured employer for any benefits paid to the injured worker plus a penalty of 10% of the benefits paid or $1,000.00, whichever is greater. Call our office today for a FREE consultation and let us help fight your case and protect your assets. (602- 277-2007).
Have you been injured?
Start your case now. Complete the below form, and a qualified workers’ compensation attorney will contact you today!