Prescott Workers’ Compensation Lawyer with Experience
Palmer Law Offices is dedicated to aggressive representation of injured workers and fights for maximum benefits in workers’ compensation cases. We have successfully received high dollar settlements and Awards in numerous cases on behalf of injured workers. Our experienced local Prescott legal team has developed the knowledge and skills necessary to properly represent you in the many phases of your case, including deposition preparation, trial testimony, litigation and the appellate process. We have combined legal experience of over 60 years. Attorney Adam Palmer is Board Certified in Workers’ Compensation by the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization. Less than five percent of all active members of the Arizona State Bar Association are Board Certified.
“I Need a Lawyer But Cannot Afford One!”
Contact our offices immediately for a 100% FREE and confidential case review to help you determine what benefits you may be entitled to under the law. Palmer Law Offices accepts Prescott clients with workers’ compensation cases that occurred on the job without the necessity of laying out cash up-front! Once you receive your settlement or Award, the Firm then gets paid. This approach gives the Client the ability to have a powerful, knowledgeable lawyer fighting for them without worrying about the finances involved.
Choosing the Right Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Attorney Adam Palmer is Board Certified in Workers’ Compensation by the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization. It costs no more to hire a Certified Specialist than it does to hire an attorney who does not have this highly respected certification. A majority of our Clients are obtained as referrals from a friend, family member, or co-worker who have used our services in the past and were completely satisfied with the results obtained by our Firm. Palmer Law Offices specializes in workers’ compensation cases. Our attorneys are familiar with the intricacies of the workers’ compensation laws, the practices and procedures of the Industrial Commission of Arizona, and the judges whose cases are limited to hearing only workers’ compensation cases. Our lawyers also have relationships with medical providers that accept workers’ compensation patients which greatly improves the quality of your treatment and care. Our legal team is bilingual speaking both Spanish and English. If you sustain an injury at work but do not have papers to work legally in the United States, you are still entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Call the local Prescott legal team of Palmer Law Offices to receive help today!
When to Contact a Workers’ Compensation Attorney
If you have been hurt or injured in an accident at work or on the job or have been disabled as a result of a work-related accident or injury, you should contact us immediately. If you contracted an occupational disease such as a respiratory condition or carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of your work duties, you should contact Palmer Law Offices for a FREE legal consultation. Likewise, if a loved one has died as a result of a work-related accident, injury, or occupational disease, you should contact us immediately. Many claims are governed by a Statute of Limitations, which means that you can only file a claim for benefits during a specific period of time. After that date, the court will not allow your case to be heard. For this reason, you should contact us immediately to discuss your rights.
Have you been injured?
Start your case now. Complete the below form, and a qualified workers’ compensation attorney will contact you today!